The Beginning

They say once you get into the aviation industry it is hard to leave. A few months ago, I would have begged to differ, but now I can't imagine going back to a "normal" life. Working in the aviation industry一let alone as a flight attendant had never been an aspiration of mine. It is still surreal that I am part of the inflight crew.

I was never a fan of public transportation, the main reason being I would get horrible motion sickness. It wasn't until I was 17years old that I discovered Dramamine; a magic, little pill that prevented motion sickness nausea. From then on I was able to enjoy car rides and take trips more comfortably. I have always been a spontaneous person but growing up we didn't have the money to travel. After graduating from college, I took my first trip alone to Guanajuato, Mexico. I hadn't been there since I was 5 years old. My mom's entire family lives in the state of Guanajuato, and I was finally able to meet and reconnect with all of my aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. It was a beautiful experience; all my childhood memories came back to me. A few months later, I traveled to Europe alone. Going to a country, Italy, where you don't know the native language or know anyone can be quite difficult, but I was up for the challenge. Liberating, exciting, and frustrating at times, it was an experience I will never forget. Nevertheless, I traveled throughout Italy visiting Milan, Rome, Venice, Florence, and Sardinia. After flying to Paris, I finished in Barcelona. Although I traveled alone, I was never scared. I met so many people from different backgrounds along the way, some also traveling and others were locals kind enough to show me around. Since then, I have fallen in love with travel and the many humbling lessons it has taught me.

It wasn't until about two years ago that I decided I wanted a change in my life. After going through a rough breakup, I wanted a fresh start. I remember writing down a list of accomplishments I wanted to achieve in order to start a new path for myself. One day, I came across an advertisement on Facebook for discounted flights for the weekend, it then hit me, why not apply to be a flight attendant. It seemed like something so far out of reach, but I talked to my mom about it, seeking her advice. She was supportive一one of her close friends, Michelle, had been a flight attendant. I remember as a little girl anytime we would see a plane in the sky, my mom would say, "Wave to Michelle!". I decided to do some further research on what the position entailed. After watching YouTube videos, reading personal blogs and looking through Glassdoor, I sent in my application. The first airline I heard back from flew me out for an in-person interview after I had passed several screenings but things fell through. I was 5 minutes late, and they ultimately chose not to see me. I had never been so disappointed in my life. I tried to brush it off, but the missed chance haunted me. A few months passed before I decided to reapply to a different airline. I was determined to get this one right. I didn't have to wait long before I heard back from one I was really quite excited about. They wanted to do a video interview. The interview was a prerecorded one where you are asked a series of five questions, and you have two minutes to answer each one. I prepared for it by recording myself on my laptop answering possible interview questions. Good thing I did this because I quickly realized my demeanor wasn't very friendly due to how nervous I was lol. After a few more practice runs, I finally took the real video interview. After that, I got a phone call screening shortly after and then was invited to an in-person interview. From there on, the rest was history... Well, not really. But that's where I'll leave you for now.



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