Accumulation of Awkward Moments in the Sky

The award of best flight attendant would definitely never be handed to me. From (dare I say) hiding in panic the first time I had a medical aboard the plane, to spilling coke on a man's linen pants, and burning all the chicken in first class to have a special dish of carne asada for that flight, I have had my fair share of just plain awkward moments. Soon to complete my two year anniversary as a sky angel, I am proud to say I am definitely improving or at least that's what I tell myself 😌
A few lessons I have learned...

-Privacy aboard a plane is pretty much non existent. Space is very confined, people are extremely nosy, conversations are overheard, etc. I quickly realized this one day when a captain from United came to the back galley (the space where flight attendants set up/hangout) to introduce himself and thank us for the ride. He was quite handsome and as soon as he left I loudly stated to my coworkers that I didn't spot a ring so he was up for grabs. The people sitting in the back row of the plane turned around and snickered. I was mortified.

-When you open the overhead compartments be aware that things may come flying out. This happened to me once when I was trying to discreetly grab some feminine products, only to have all the pads come tumbling down on the men sitting in that row.

-Tomato juice, oooh tomato juice (be aware). Something about the cabin pressure always makes it explode when cracked open or it just does its own thing. It has spilled down my tights, splatted on a bald mans head...need I go on.

-Hot towels are more intricate then they seem. First class passengers get these fancy hot towels right after take off, which I quickly found out have to be done just right. Pouring a little too much water is not great because when you go to shake it out and hand it to them water splashes them in the face...and if the water is too hot, they throw it up in the air so quick and may even scream...yes I speak from experience unfortunately.

-In the cabin it can be difficult to hear, so don't mumble to us, but don't yell either.
One time this little old man asked me for sparkling water with pepper.
“Pepper???” I asked.
“Pepper..” he said.
“Pepper??” I repeated 
“I SAID LEMON!!!” He shouted angrily 
 I couldn’t stop laughing... little viejito needed to chill.

All in all, when flying try to be courteous to those around you. We are all sharing the same space and trying to stay in good spirits. 



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